Jammin’ With Jensen and Jason

Jared and Jensen at breakfast at L.A. Supernatural convention

We were fortunate to be able to be there this afternoon for the first jam session with Jensen Ackles and Jason Manns at the close of Creation’s Salute to Supernatural in LA – and wow, what an amazing hour and a quarter that was! Fans crowded into three rows of chairs in a small room, which initially generated some complaints of not being able to see, but soon settled into more or less omg, this is amazing (and those of us in the back row finally figured out we could just stand up and see just fine).

Jensen looked the part. Wearing a skullcap, whiskey in hand, he told us he’d gotten requests to play for a long time and had finally decided to try it out. The idea was to play an informal little jam for just a small group of fans, laid back and not stressful. Of course that changed when the price tag for the jam skyrocketed as fans bid for the unprecedented opportunity. Jason laughed that Jensen’s an old pro at conventions – but this time he was the one getting freaked out and nervous. Jensen called Jason as he watched the bids go up.

Jensen: “We might have to play this show naked!”

Fans: “Yes please!”

More seriously, Jensen said how blown away he was by the fans’ enthusiasm for seeing and hearing him do something that he doesn’t do for a living, and expressed his appreciation.

Then the music began, and it was the fans who were appreciative. Jensen started off with a favorite song, “Rock n Roll Radio” by Ray LaMontagne. Not exactly an easy song to sing either – we definitely respect the boy’s guts. His nerves showed for this song, but the small crowd was encouraging, expressing their gratitude that he was willing to try something a little outside his comfort zone just because the fans have been requesting it.

Jensen (laughing and blushing a little) “….I’m nervous….”

Fans: “Keep going!”

The crowd did wonder how he psyches himself up to do these things – a stage play, directing, etc.

Jensen: “I do tend to throw myself out there – you know, let’s go streaking or whatever!”

Fans: “Can we take pictures?”

Okay, back to the music.

Jensen: “Let’s get the medley out of the way.”

He meant because he was nervous, but fans were happy to hear the familiar chords of “Crazy Love”, followed by “The Weight”. Halfway through, Jensen’s nerves calmed down and his amazing harmony with Jason kicked up a notch. Somehow Lynn managed not to sing along, which would most likely not have been welcomed by the rest of the fans. But it was a near thing.

While Jensen calmed down, Jason got uncharacteristically jittery as they took turns forgetting a few verses.

Jason: “I have no idea why I’m nervous – I play for thousands of people and I’m fine, but I’m sitting here with him playing for just a few of you, and I’m nervous.”

Jensen (rolling his eyes in rather appealing self deprecation): “That’s because the anxiety is coming off me in waves!”

Jason then asked Jensen what was the first song he learned how to play on the guitar. Jensen grew up watching his dad pick up his guitar and riff, and remembers always being so taken by it. When he moved out to LA at eighteen, his dad handed him his guitar, which Jensen still has.

Fans: “Awwww.”

He then played that first song, “If I Had a Million” by Tom Green. Before he started, Jensen said very softly that he felt very blessed in his life – and Jason added that when he first heard Jensen sing this song, he sure didn’t have anything close to a million. The quiet banter throughout the jam added to the feeling of intimacy, and was the perfect setting for the more heartfelt songs they chose to play. Fans were genuinely moved by the emotion Jason and Jensen put into their performance. At times, never mind that there were thirty odd people in the room, it really did feel like the two were just jamming in Jensen’s living room.

The next song was “She Talks to Angels” by the Black Crows, which I think is the one that got all of us in the back row up on our feet and rocking out a bit. Both J’s were into it, fingers flying on their guitars, and nobody minded if there were a few missed lyrics. In fact, one of the treats of a live show is that it’s *live*, and you get to laugh along with the performer whenever there’s a flub. It’s endearing, a moment of bonding that unites the audience and the performer, makes the music a shared journey.

Jason at one point apologized for the ‘flubs’, to which the audience responded ‘we love the flubs!’

Jensen (a bit skeptical) “Well that’s good – there’s much flub to be had!”

The guys then sang a soft and sensual version of ‘Hallelujah’, one of our favorite Jason covers, made even more beautiful with Jason’s gorgeous voice and Jensen’s harmonies. You could have heard a pin drop in the room, and more than one fan may have sniffled. We’re not naming names though. *looks shifty*

A rowdy fanboy in the back (Clay….Clint…..oh wait, maybe it was Clif….) added bit of heckling to the mix to stir things up and provide some of the usual ambience of Jason’s shows that we’ve been to.

Clif: “Lynyrd Skynyrd!!!”

Jensen immediately launched into an awesome rendition of Sweet Home Alabama, one of our favorites. The guys definitely did it justice, and it was great to have them feel comfortable enough to play something impromptu.

Jason was content to put Jensen in the spotlight for a while, but Jensen turned the tables mid-show, turning the focus on his friend.

Jensen: “In my relationship life with Jason….”

Jason (raised eyebrows): “You mean our friendship?”

Jensen: “That kinda went down a totally different road….”

Jensen shared the story we’d heard from Jason of how their friendship started, with Jensen hearing Jason sing “Crazy Love” and being so impressed he wanted to learn it. And the rest is friendship history.

Jensen asked what Jason songs we’d like to hear. “Your Song” was one of the top requests, and while Jason sang, Jensen grabbed the bongos and played along. He sang a little harmony too, though he confided afterward that he really hadn’t mastered drumming and singing at the same time, looking a bit chagrined at the admission. Jason reminded him that when he started out, he couldn’t sing and play guitar at the same time either – and boy, can he now!

The next song was another Ray LaMontagne song, “God Willin’ and the Creek Don’t Rise” – it’s sad, haunting, full of longing, and Jensen’s voice carried all the emotion eloquently. After, he confided that some of the lyrics seemed to perfectly evoke his loneliness sometimes, alone in his trailer in the Vancouver rain, as he sang “the rain’s about to drive us all insane.” One of the things that makes music so moving and so personal is that it does pull for those feelings, whether you’re listening or playing, and the moment of shared vulnerability made the performance quietly powerful.

At some point in here there was some knocking on wood for good luck.

Jensen: (jumps up to knock on wood paneled wall)

Jason: “That’s not wood.” (Merely raps his knuckles on his very much wooden guitar.)

Jensen: “Oh. That’s too easy.”

Then there was “Free Fallin'”, with Jensen saying he wasn’t gonna “go high” but then going there anyway. Afterward, they asked how much more time they had. Creation’s Adam Malin was in the back enjoying the show, and was happy to let them just keep on playing.

Fans: “Yes!!”

Clif: “No!! One more song, guys.”

Fans: “No!!”

The one more song was “Walk Away”, a Ben Harper song that was the second one Jason taught Jensen, and the heartfelt lyrics were a perfect ending to a thoroughly enjoyable show.

As fans shouted their appreciation, Jason put down his guitar and expressed his right back.

Jason: “You guys are amazing. Seriously the most awesome fans ever. EVER.”

Jensen: “You guys really are – both collectively and individually. We so appreciate being a part of this, a part of you.”

We let Jason know later that night how much we and the room full of fans had enjoyed it, and Jason sent back a message from both him and Jensen.

Jason: “We were both sincerely moved by the reaction in the room. These are some amazing fans, and I was honored to be a part of that night.

So were we.

More coming up soon about the L.A con!!

76 thoughts on “Jammin’ With Jensen and Jason

  • Thank you so much for this! I can’t express how much I would have loved to be there. One of my friends was there and I haven’t heard from her since – I think she must have stowed away in Jensen’s luggage 🙂
    Anyway, thanks again.

    • We hope your friend has recovered from her understandable fannish euphoria and made a reappearance safe and sound by now. 🙂

      Here’s hoping this was the first of many jam sessions that everyone will get a chance to experience and enjoy!

  • Wow! What an awesome, awesome moment. I love that Jensen challenges himself and tackles things that make him nervous. I hope he shares more of his musical talents in the future. I’m speechless…


    • We hope so too, because he really does have musical talent – no wonder he and Jason are such good friends! It’s actually pretty inspiring to see someone take on something they’re scared to do, and remind ourselves that you don’t have to be perfect to enjoy doing something and have other people enjoy it right along with you.

  • Sounds awesome and so wish I could have been there. Maybe Creation will be able to convince them both to do it for a slightly larger audience next time…

    • We wish you could have been there too! Hopefully the warm and positive response will make a larger more public performance a possibility soon. Cross your fingers!

  • Thank you so much for such a lovely description of your awesome experience. There were so many parts where I was deeply moved by your words. You guys are awesome. Jensen and Jason are awesome too. Glad you all had such a wonderful time!

    • We did have a wonderful time, and are so glad we were able to convey how moved we were by the emotional vulnerability these guys expressed. They *are* awesome, just like this fandom 🙂

  • Thank you! It feels so good to read (at least) a report about this amazing session *kickingthatyellowgreenmonsterinthebutt*
    If I had the choice between Jensen naked and Jensen singing, I would always go fo the latter. And if I already had intended to go to LACon, my husband would have to block my bank account!
    BTW, I think the “If I had a million” song could be from Pat Green, not Tom, but I didn’t know most of those songs anyway, so I’m currently lookin for them.
    Now I can understand why they did it for just a small (but rich) crowd and I can only hope they will do it again – on the big stage.

    • We hope they do it again too – they could totally rock a big stage! Thanks for the heads up on the singer’s name, we’ll check it out. Love the fandom bleed, and how it helps us discover things we never would have found otherwise 🙂

  • Awesome reports..As ever..Thanks for sharing it. I wish I could be there.Sounds like the best panel I’ve ever heard about.. Oh Jensen playing so many songs and singing and talking about his loneliness!! Just adorable. Alas there would be no pics or video of that panel. I’d die to hear him!!:(
    Thank you so much, again and again. 🙂

    • Alas, no pics or video – but hopefully the guys will do it again soon and you can see and hear them for yourself 🙂

  • Thank you for posting this wonderful report, you have no idea how much I would have loved to have been there (ok, you guys know me so yeah, you DO know how much I wanted to be there!). The whole thing sounds incredible to me, I love the fact that it felt very intimate like you guys were at a BBQ and Jason and Jensen were just jamming away without any pressure, just two guys having fun. And I sure hope they truly did enjoy it as much as the fans did.

    I’m very thankful that I have heard Jason sing at a few conventions, he’s a very talented artist that is for sure, and I hope that one day I will be lucky enough to be in the right place, at the right time to be able to hear Jensen sing, he has a beautiful voice and I am so grateful that he is sharing this gift with us.

    Thanks again for sharing your experience with us and I can’t wait to hear more about the LA Con and to read all about it in your book, any news on a publishing date yet? I’m dying to get my hands on a copy or two or three!!

    • Jensen and Jason both have such beautiful voices, and the quiet intimacy of a small room and two guitars and songs like Hallelujah just added to the emotional impact. Amazing. We might have a bit of an inkling as to how much you’d like to hear for yourself — and so hope you get the opportunity soon! Meanwhile, the book is burning a hole on our desktops waiting to hear from agent and publishers — damn, waiting is hard :/ Send out good vibes!!

    • So glad you enjoyed the article — we’d like to share the experience with all of fandom (so we can all swoon together….) Hopefully this is the first of many jam sessions 🙂

  • I am so envious right now. It sounds like you all had an incredible time. Someday, someday I will make it to a Con and when I do, I hope I get to participate in something like this. It will be sooooo worth the money. Thanks you so much for sharing.

  • I can’t thank you enough for this amazing report! ♥
    I’m speechless… You made me feel like I was there; I’m sitting here with my heart melting, overwhelmed with emotions! (They sang ‘Hallelujah’! Oh my!..)
    And I cannot describe how lucky we all are to get to know Jensen – this extraordinary man, who gives me something to believe in 😉

    • Well that totally makes our day, because we really wanted to share this with the rest of fandom, and there were moments that were truly heart-melting in the best of ways. Thanks so much for letting us know that the emotions came through for you. Oh, and agreed about the extraordinary part 🙂

  • Hey. I really enjoyed your write-up. It sounds so lovely. I would’ve been so nervous being there, i think!! But i know i would’ve enjoyed it. Thanks for taking the time to share. I’m assuming y’all didn’t get to take pictures, since you didn’t include any. I would love to see some, but i know that cameras are so distracting and it’s easy to get so carried away taking pictures that you miss out on the specialness of the moment.

    Thanks for letting us enjoy it through you. Your write-up was perfect. 🙂

    • They didn’t allow photos or recording, which is a shame because then we really *could* share it, but also understandable considering the anxiety that comes with doing something for the first time. And you’re right, it was kinda nice to just be immersed in the experience instead of lining up a photo. Thanks so much for your insightful comments 🙂

    • You’re so welcome, Karen! Glad you enjoyed — and hope you can be there to experience the guys singing together for yourself one day soon 🙂

  • Oh boy, we really *do* have to work on overcoming the effects of Too Much Pretty -this is ANOTHER thing I forgot to talk to you about this weekend. 😀

    Thanks for the amazing descriptions and for the “Fans” voice, which I suspect is very much like the little voices in all our heads. 😉 And that Clif was the voice of reason is hilarious.

    Did they hint at/Did you anyone ask about a repeat performance in the future?

    • I wouldn’t be surprised if this was only the first jam session, not the last. The genuine response from the small crowd was anything but small in emotion, which really made an impact on the guys.

      And yes, we must work on that tricky communication issue. But wait, what do you mean about those fannish voices in all our heads?? *looks innocent*

  • Thank you soo much. I was already ultra jalous now its even more! It hurts lol, and I know we wont get any thing 🙁 Wish they could tape it and sell the dvds are something.

    How many people was there?

    • There were thirty some people in the room, which was quite small, so it felt rather intimate — luckily we all liked each other 🙂 I do wish we could share the experience more literally with fandom, but as someone pointed out above, I guess it’s understandable why that would have been anxiety-provoking and distracting too. Thank you so much for reading 🙂

  • Wow. You can tell this must have been really special! Glad you enjoyed it, for real! I was expecting more than a handful of songs for the 1 1/2 hour of the concert, but from your telling of it, it was all worth it ^^

    • Definitely — and the banter between songs, both between Jason and Jensen, and the guys and the audience, made it even more special, like we were truly sharing the experience.

  • Thank you so much for this detailed report. Much appreciated. It sounds like you had a wonderful time.

  • Thank you for the report. Jason and Jensen seem really close. I’m so happy that the fans had a good time.

    Where’s Jason’s picture??

    • Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it….) they didn’t allow photos at the jam, so the photo above is from that morning’s breakfast Q&A. There’s a rather handsome photo of Jason from our last interview with him a few posts back in this blog tho 🙂

  • Thank you Thank you Thank you for sharing your awesome experience! Though your words I felt I was there in the room, enjoying their music and comments!…..I wanted so much to be there. I too was watching the auction and couldn’t believe my eyes when the bidding ended! Hopefully this will prompt them to cut an album to share their amazing voices! xoxoxo

    • You’re most welcome, we love to share everything we can with the rest of our awesome fandom — and let’s cross our fingers for that album! 🙂

  • Thank you so much for this in depth report. It provides valuable insight for those who didn`t get to go and is greatly appreciated. I look forward to more reports.

    • We’re so glad you enjoyed our review — our article on the ‘private’ Q&A with Jensen is coming up, including his thoughts on fans that got us a little choked up, and some scoop on what’s to come on SPN. And later, our in-depth interview with the candid and charming Matt Cohen. Stay tuned!

  • I’ve read this report more than a few times now. Thank you so much for making me feel like I was there. It sounds like it was a very special, once in a lifetime experience.

    I’m sure Jensen was terrified, so I’m glad he had a supportive audience to help him thru. You shared something truly magical.

    Can’t wait for your book!

    • You hit the nail on the head with your description here, and we’re very glad we could share it in a way that helped the experience come alive for you too. Sending our agent your ‘can’t wait for the book’ message 🙂

  • Thanks so much for this – what a fantastic report!

    I’m kinda giddy by Jensen’s song choices, especially the 2 Ray LaMontagne songs and Ben Harper’s “Walk Away,” as both are favorite artists of mine. I can – literally 😉 – only imagine how Jensen sounded singing them.

    Your con reports are always so detailed and I always look forward to them, so thanks again!

    • Thank you so much for letting us know you’re enjoying our con articles – more from Jensen later today, and our chat with Matt Cohen after that one. We agree about the song choices too. Fandom bleed rocks!

  • I cried when I read this. Just hearing that Jensen appreciates being “a part of us” makes me emotional. I love this fandom very much and that the actors responsible understand and respect the love we have.

    I can’t speak for all the fans that did not get to attend the con or the jam session but being able to see it through your eyes takes out some of the sting of missing out. Thank you for writing this and for what you do. I appreciate it.

    • You may have made our eyes a little misty with your comment, in the very best of ways. We’re so glad our reports bring some of the experience to the rest of fandom.

      We asked Jensen more about his feelings on fans, so look for that article shortly. His answer was heartfelt and thoughtful and just plain awesome — so have your tissues ready 🙂

    • You’re most welcome – and congrats on your new music blog! We’ll be adding a link here at Fangasm, so everyone can enjoy your insights — including your write-up of this jam session 🙂

  • Thank you so much for this report. I had heard snippets of how moved others were by the session and it’s wonderful to hear more detail. I heard Jason sing at both the Vancouver Con and the Chicago One and must admit both times, when he sang Halleluja, I was brought to tears. Can’t imagine how glorious it must have sounded with both of them singing it. Jensen has such a wonderful voice, at least from the video I saw when he sang The Weight, that I’m sure it would have had me bawling. Here’s hoping the two of them do this again. I would love to have the opportunity to hear them live. An intimate roomful though would be the way to do it I’m sure. Thank you again for this!!

    • You’re very welcome, we’re so glad we could share some of the experience – and yes, here’s hoping they do it again! We agree with you about ‘Hallelujah’, and the combination of that song and Jason and Jensen’s amazing voices? *sniffle*

  • I don’t get teary whilst reading convention reports, but this one had me a little teary I have to say.

    You really described the whole experience so I could feel the passion and the intimacy that it must of been like to be there.

    Jensen really is amazing, most people don’t put them into situations where they are scared to fail and I find him constantly pushing the boundaries for himself and for him to to this and share it with people/fans is incredible.

    We’ve come to expect no less. thankyou for sharing.

    • We absolutely agree — seeing someone else push their boundaries is inspiring, especially in a culture where we all seem terrified to take the risk of being less than perfect. Very therapeutic to watch someone be willing to put himself out there. Thanks, Jensen!

  • It sounds like they had a great time doing their thing. It’s actually kind of endearing that they were nervous on and off through the event- when you’ve got people who are accomplished in their fields it’s fanstastic that they’re willing to go outside of their comfort zones.

    Thanks for the write up!

    • You’re very welcome for the write-up, and we completely agree. The casual imperfectness of the jam made it a much more emotional and intimate experience, and we feel privileged to have shared it.

  • This is such a special memory for all those who were blessed enought to experience it. Reading this report had me quiverring with excitment & joy!

    Thanks to Jason for being so selfless in taking a step back & letting Jensen try something very new & daunting to him. A true friend indeed! Congrats to Jensen for having the balls to give it a go even though it was so out of his comfort zone.

    Finally thank you to Lynn & Kathy for sharing this amazing experience with those of us who just couldn’t be there!


    • It’s our pleasure to share as much as we can — and we totally agree with you, both about the depth of friendship these guys share, and about Jensen’s balls. Which sounds really wrong, btw. But yeah 🙂

  • Thank you so much for this beautiful and detailed report. It seemed like I was actually there, physically. Jensen is such an amazing guy, and the friendship between him and Jason, I’m seriously envious of them.

    Thank you for sharing your experience with us, unfortunate ones, who didn’t manage to attend this.

    • Thank you for this lovely comment — that’s what we aim for when we write, whether it’s here on the blog or in our books — to take the reader along with us on the journey. So thanks for letting us know it’s working sometimes! Hopefully this is the first and not the last jam session for these talented guys 🙂

  • oh my goodness, what a wonderful and intense experience– thanks so much for sharing. I REALLY hope that Jensen and Jason can be convinced to offer more times like these. I’m a singer myself, so I experience concerts viscerally and remember them forever === so this really whets my appetite for some future day when I could see and hear them in person. I am sure the bucks must have been HUGE – but from what you say, TOTALLY WORTH IT. Guess I should start a secret envelope somewhere right now!

    Thanks also for letting us know that the whole experience proved so positive for the Jensen and Jason. It means a lot to know that they receive some of the love in the way it’s intended, with great respect for their talent and their willingness to share part of themselves!

    • We got a lovely email from Jason yesterday letting us know how much he and Jensen liked the article, and expressing again their gratitude to the fans for making the experience the positive one it was for both of them. Which is just another example of how much mutual respect there is in this fandom — extraordinary, don’t you think? Your description of how you viscerally experience and remember a concert, as a singer yourself, really rang true (although we wouldn’t exactly be able to call ourselves the same!)

  • Thank you both so much for sharing your experience of the jam session with us! Once again we live vicariously through you, and this time it was even more special to read as so few got to be a part of it in person. (I do wish the convention people would raffle rather than auction these kind of private events tickets though – for those of us who are poverty-stricken 😉

    But it sounds like a wonderful time was had by all, including Jason and Jensen, despite the nerves 🙂 It made me smile to hear about Jason becoming nervous by osmosis (and about the rowdy fan-boy in the back!) But I have so much respect for how open Jensen was and it is lovely hearing about his connection to some of the music. They both sound like they were so appreciative of the people who came to listen to them, and the songs they chose seem like they were perfect for a mostly low-key, acoustic session. And even though they were all covers, the stories Jensen shared make it sound more like a singer-songwriter, sharing their experiences from the road…although it sounds like there was a little bit of rockin’ out going on as well 🙂

    I have heard Jason sing a couple of times, but damn I would have loved to hear Jensen sing! And a Jensen complete with skull cap, whisky and guitar, no less….wow.

    Am very much looking forward to your next article and, of course, the book 🙂

    • Next article coming up later today or tomorrow, and fingers crossed for good book news soon! We agree with you about the mutual appreciation in the room too — in fact, Jason and Jensen let us know how much they enjoyed this review and how grateful they are to the fans who made the experience such a positive one. So glad you enjoyed this too!

  • Oh and if it was Pat rather than Tom Green, I have fallen in love with that song! And She Talks to Angels. Oh and the Ray LaMontagne ones…Ok, I like pretty much all of them 🙂 One enterprising fan put together a playlist of the songs you mentioned, and coupled with your report, it is the next best thing to having been there!

    This and your comment ‘Love the fandom bleed, and how it helps us discover things we never would have found otherwise’ made me think of a phenomenon I read about once called ‘Noelrock’. Noel Gallagher was the singer/guitarist of Oasis, who were were huge in the 1990s in UK and, as I understand it, someone noticed that every time he mentioned he liked a band, that band’s popularity rose. Hence Noelrock.

    Do we have, on a mini-scale, Jensenrock (and Jaredrock) happening in the fandom? You can never have too much good music though, so tis all good!

    • We love that – Jensenrock and Jaredrock! And definitely agree, you can never have too much good music 🙂

  • *Hugs*

    It was so wonderful seeing you both this past weekend in LA.

    Lynn, I’m so glad we got to share the Jam Session experience together. It sure was magical and special and absolutely wonderful in every regard.

    This will be a forever and for always most cherished memory. 🙂

    • Hugs back to you, Sandra — we feel privileged to have been there, and to have been there with our favorite fandom 🙂

  • Loved reading this so much. One of my roommates went as well so I had heard some of it but man, you sure did remember a lot of details and I really appreciated it. I really hope they do this again and I really hope that someday they do it for everyone. I totally understand though why Jensen was nervous and wanted to keep it intimate at first and there’s no doubt every single one of you earned your places there. I just hope that someday us “little people” with smaller bank accounts get the chance to see the magic, too. :o)

    • I have a feeling this will happen again, and in a way that will let more people share the fun. We’re glad to have been able to share it here (and grateful for Lynn’s mad note-taking skillz too. lol) She’s very observant when it comes to SPN 🙂

  • Okay way too many comments to read! I’m so late to the party on this one. Oops!

    I’ve read a few accounts of the jam ssession now and I love reading each and every one. I would have given most anything to have been able to be a part of that event; reading the accounts y’all wrote helps me do that!

    Thank you so much for sharing your experience. Hopefully someday I’ll get to experience it myself! They just sound like kickass, cool musicians. 🙂

    • You know, that’s really how they were — kickass, cool musicians. We’re so glad to be able to share with y’all as much as possible, and hope you get to experience a jam session for yourself soon 🙂

  • Everyone else has already said it so well already, so I’ll just echo the collective thanks from all of us out here who get to live vicariously through your reports. I appreciate how positive and thoughtful you guys are when sharing your experiences. And finally, as a long-time lurker of your blog, I have to say sorry for not commenting sooner on all the other lovely entries here that I’ve thoroughly enjoyed.

    • Thank you so much — we appreciate every single person who stops by to read our blog, and love hearing that you’re enjoying it. Interview with Gabe Tigerman coming up soon — another great guy. How can they all be such great guys???!

  • Hi, thanks for all the news, sandra and i got together when she got back and filled me in on this jam session, and i have to agree you have a great memory, sounds like you all had a great time.
    thanks for sharing

    • Easy to have a great memory when you’re very invested in what you’re seeing and hearing 🙂 We really did have a great time — hopefully only the first of many that everyone can join in on!

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